Special Education Trainings

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At the heart of my special education practice is my belief that all schools should be equipped to appropriately meet the needs of all students within their community. I often counsel parents on the ways in which they can be successful advocates for their children while simultaneously developing solid working relationships with their public school teachers and administrators. Additionally, as coordinator and legal counsel to Parents for Inclusive Education (PIE), I work with others to advocate to key policy makers within the City for inclusion to be a viable option for all students with disabilities.

Basic Training: My basic special education training includes the essentials of the special education legal system, the effective ways to work within the system, and an overview of the different avenues available to resolve disputes with an emphasis on the non-adversarial methods. My goal is for parents to walk away with a better understanding of how the special education system operates and practical ways to advocate for their children.

I realize public schools are not suitable for all children and private school education is sometimes appropriate and necessary.  As such, my basic training includes information on how and when parents should explore private school opportunities for their children.  When requested, I also conduct trainings focused solely on private school education.

Trainings on Specific Topics: In addition to my basic training, I can conduct trainings on specific topics. Some examples of targeted trainings include:

  • Turning 5 Process: A training for parents of children turning five years old and entering the school-age special education system. In addition to educating parents on the City’s special education system, special emphasis will be placed on the turning 5 process, the differences between the preschool special education system and the school-aged system, and the ways to begin to develop a strong working relationship with the teachers and administrators at a child’s school.
  • Students’ right to inclusion: State and federal special education laws require students with disabilities to be educated in the least restrictive settings appropriate to meet their special education needs. In other words, to the extent appropriate students with disabilities are to be educated alongside their nondisabled peers. This training focuses on how parents can advocate for their children to be educated in inclusive settings for the entire school day, or portions of the day. This training will also provide a brief overview of the special education reforms that the NYC’s Department of Education is currently undertaking which will require all community schools to become more inclusive and educate the majority of students with disabilities.
  • Transition Process: A training for parents and students to learn about the services available in high school to help prepare such students for their transition out of high school. Participants will learn about the ways to ensure that such services are discussed at an IEP meeting and provided to a student. Participants will also gain an understanding of the different agencies (outside of the school system) that will work with students after graduation and how to coordinate these services in preparation for post graduation experiences.
  • College Preparation: A training that will speak directly to students about the difference in the legal rights for a student with a disability between high school and college. Students will gain tips on how to advocate for themselves in addition to learning how to request accommodations and the documents necessary to support such requests.   As a person with a disability who sought accommodations in college and law school, I am happy to share personal stories with the students on my experiences learning to advocate for myself.  Parents are also welcome to attend.

Please note, all my trainings are tailored to the needs and interests of the audience. For more information or to arrange for a special education training, please contact me.

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Under New York State law, this may be considered attorney advertisement